Firearms Now Available for Purchase at Select US Grocery Stores with Ammo Vending Machines

Money | July 9, 2024, 9:23 p.m.

American Rounds, a company, has introduced vending machines in grocery stores across Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas, enabling customers to purchase ammunition alongside their everyday essentials. These machines utilize identification scanners and facial recognition technology to ensure buyers are of legal age. Despite assurances from the company about enhanced security, concerns have been raised over the potential increase in gun-related incidents as a result of this innovation. With the U.S. already witnessing high levels of gun violence, experts have expressed apprehensions about normalizing the accessibility of ammunition. While the company emphasizes responsible gun ownership, critics argue that such advancements should be confined to specialized gun stores rather than mainstream retail locations like grocery stores. The installation of these vending machines marks a shift in the landscape of ammunition sales, raising questions about the balance between convenience and public safety.