United Airlines Boeing Experiences Wheel Malfunction Shortly After Departing from LA Airport: See the Incident Unfold.

Money | July 8, 2024, 11:13 p.m.

United Airlines Boeing 757-200 experienced a terrifying incident when a wheel fell off moments after takeoff on July 8. A video captured the alarming moment as the tire detached and fell to the ground soon after the aircraft left Los Angeles for Denver. Luckily, Flight 1001 landed safely in Denver with no injuries reported among passengers or crew. United confirmed that the wheel was found in Los Angeles while the cause of the incident is under investigation. This incident mirrors one in March when a Boeing 777-200 lost a wheel after takeoff from San Francisco, causing damage to vehicles in a parking lot at LAX. In a separate development, Boeing is set to plead guilty to a criminal fraud charge related to 737 Max crashes, agreeing to pay a fine and invest in compliance and safety programs pending approval by a federal judge.